Freitag, Juli 08, 2005

Der blanke Hass und die Gier nach dem Nichts

Anlässlich der Terroranschläge des Neunten Septembers hat ein gewisser Dr. John Lewis in einem lesenswerten auf dem individualistischen Naturrecht und der objektivistischen Ethik basierenden Artikel für das "Capitalism Magazine" versucht, die Gründe für den Wahnsinn zu erörtern. Seine Feststellungen und Schlussfolgerungen dürfen nach den gestrigen Anschlägen in London weiterhin Geltung beanspruchen.

Er stellt fest...
At root, their desire for religious rapture in a paradise attained by mass destruction is a desire to lose the most important value of all, their own lives. Their hatred of the West is not based on jealousy but on hatred of the good because it is good. Their claim that Western culture is evil is based on their view that freedom, productiveness, achievement, reason and happiness are evil. What they want instead is the nothing, das Nichts, that is death. This is why they fly with gay abandon into the inferno-to attain a zero, for their victims and themselves.
Of course they recognize, on some level, that the material products of the West are good, since they use the products of freedom in order to destroy the products of freedom. But this shows only that they use these products-they do not value them, and they do not value those who produce them. They much prefer nothing.
...und schlussfolgert:
So what do we do about this? Intellectually what we must do is state an idea: that western civilization is moral because it is good. We have a right to exist, and a right to defend ourselves. The purpose and motive of western civilization is life, the exact opposite of the death-worship seen in nihilists of all stripes. Ours is the morality of life and theirs the morality of death. (...) To straighten out the political and intellectual mess we face today we must re-affirm our commitment to reason and freedom, and their purpose, life, by protecting ourselves from killers, foreign and domestic, physical and intellectual. And we must do it because we are good.